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Use and Create Widgets

Widgets are a valuable and easy way to customize your Activities and are the backbone of every themeable Activity.

Use Widgets in Activities

This part will show you how to use and integrate Widgets into your Activity. Looking back at our bare Activity example, we rendered the text "I am a bare rendered example text", so we'll be using a ComponentWidget just this time with the text "I am an example text rendered with a ComponentWidget". We're building onto the code from the previous example so if you haven't already gone through it, we recommend taking a look at it here.

Important Note

Remember that we're explaining the Activity System in multiple steps. This part of the page will explain how to create Activities with Widgets but without LSS. This is for example purposes only; we highly recommend using Widgets and LSS in your Activities, as the system is not optimized for Widgets without LSS. It is possible but don't expect your code to work forever; there is a high chance that the methods you use will be deprecated at any time.

Looking back at the bare Activity example, we remove the render method overwrite, as we don't need that anymore because the ComponentWidget will render the text for us. Now we overwrite the initialize method. Keep in mind that the super call has to be at the head of the method body. The method will be called any time the window is resized, the Activity is manually reloaded, or when the Activity was opened.

Then we create a new ComponentWidget. In this case, we will create a non-translatable ComponentWidget by calling ComponentWidget.text and declare our text as the first parameter. Because we want our text to be colored, we'll set the color of our choice as the second parameter, in this case, Gold. The call should look like this in the end: ComponentWidget.text("I am an example text rendered with a ComponentWidget", NamedTextColor.GOLD). Now we just declare it as a field and call this.document().addChild(this.componentWidget) as this will add the ComponentWidget to our Activity.

Theoretically, we could start the client, and our text would be rendered. But we haven't set the position yet. We'll only look at LSS in the next part, so we need to set the position with our Java code. To do this, we need to overwrite the protected void postStyleSheetLoad and again keep the super call as it notifies all child widgets that the style sheets have been loaded. We don't use those yet, but we leave the call in anyways. This method is called when all style sheets have been loaded and applied, just as the name suggests.

Now we get the bounds of our activity with this.bounds() and the bounds of our ComponentWidget via this.componentWidget.bounds() and set the position of said widget with widgetBounds.setPosition(activityBounds.getCenterX(), activityBounds.getCenterY(). As we want the ComponentWidget to be centered we need also to add this.componentWidget.alignmentX().set(WidgetAlignment.CENTER) and this.componentWidget.alignmentY().set(WidgetAlignment.CENTER) this centers the Widget horizontally and vertically.

Widget Activity Result

Like with the bare Activity, this is what the code we described above would look like:

public class ExampleWidgetActivity extends SimpleActivity {

  private ComponentWidget componentWidget;

  public void initialize(Parent parent) {

    this.componentWidget = ComponentWidget.text(
        "I am an example text rendered with a ComponentWidget",

  protected void postStyleSheetLoad() {

    Bounds activityBounds = this.bounds();
    Bounds widgetBounds = this.componentWidgetBounds.bounds();



All Widgets

Below listed are all Widgets for use. They can be extended and modified for a more specific use case.

Every Widget also has the LSS Properties from AbstractWidget

Important Note

The LSS Properties noted here might be outdated and/or incomplete.

Input Widgets

Input Widgets are Widgets that allow direct user input.


The ButtonWidget is an Input-Widget that performs a specific action (set with setPressable(Pressable)) when pressed. It can be created with a String with ButtonWidget.text and a Component with ButtonWidget.component.
The Widget has the following LSS properties:

Check Box

The CheckBoxWidget is an Input-Widget that switches between two states (CHECKED and UNCHECKED) when pressed but can also have the state PARTLY, but that can only be set via setState(State). It can be created with the default constructor (no arguments needed).
The Widget has no own LSS properties.

Color Picker

The ColorPickerWidget is an Input-Widget that opens an Overlay when clicked where the user can select a specific color. It can be created via its constructor.
The Widget has no own LSS properties.

The DropdownWidget is an Input-Widget that opens an Overlay when clicked in which the user can select an entry. The Widget is generic; you have to specify the type of the entries (preferably String or any Enum) as the argument.
Entries can be added with add(GenericType), addAll(GenericType[]) and addAll(List<GenericType>). Translatable by calling translationKeyPrefix(String),
It can be created with the default constructor (no arguments needed).
The Widget has no own LSS properties.


The KeybindWidget is an Input-Widget that allows the user to set a specific Key. It also accepts mouse buttons when expressly set with acceptMouseButtons(Boolean). It can be created via its constructor.
The Widget has the same LSS properties as TextFieldWidget.

Multi Keybind

The MultiKeybindWidget is an Input-Widget that allows users to set multiple keys simultaneously. It can be created via its constructor.
The Widget has the same LSS properties as TextFieldWidget.


The SliderWidget is an Input-Widget that allows users to select a specific number inside a set range (default is 0-100). The Range can be set with range(Float, Float) and the steps with steps(Float). It can be created via its constructor.
The Widget has no own LSS properties.


The SwitchWidget is an Input-Widget that allows the user to enable or disable a certain feature. Can be created with SwitchWidget.create(Switchable), SwitchWidget.text(String, String, Switchable) or SwitchWidget.translatable(String, String, Switchable).
The Widget has no own LSS properties.

Text Field

The TextFieldWidget is an Input-Widget that allows the user to type in any text. Typed-in text can be validated by calling validator(Predicate). It can be created with the default constructor (no arguments needed).
The Widget has the following LSS properties:

  • cursor-color - the color of the cursor (default is white)
  • font-size - size of the text (default is 1.0)
  • mark-color - the color of the marked background (default is -1)
  • mark-text-color - color of the marked text (default is rgb(32, 32, 170))
  • place-holder-color - the color of the placeholder text (default is dark-gray)
  • text-alignment-x - either left, center or right (default is left)
  • text-alignment-y - either top, center or bottom (default is top)
  • text-color - the color of the text (default is white)
  • type - either default or vanilla-window (default is default)

Grid Widgets

Grid Widgets are Widgets that automatically set the position of children in a specific way.

Horizontal List

The HorizontalListWidget is a Grid-Widget that displays all its entries in a horizontal list. Add entries by executing addEntry(Widget). It can be created with the default constructor (no arguments needed).
The Widget has the following LSS properties:

  • layout - the layout of the list - either spread, fill or stack (default is stack)
  • space-between-entries - the space between each entry (default is 1)

Tiles Grid

The TilesGridWidget is a Grid-Widget that displays all its tiles in a specific grid that can be set via LSS. The Widget is generic; you have to specify the type of widgets you want to add as the argument. Tiles can be added via addTile(GenericType). It can be created with the default constructor (no arguments needed).
The Widget has the following LSS properties:

  • space-between-entries - the space between each entry (default is 0)
  • tile-height - the height of the tiles - set to -1 to make the tiles a square (default is -1)
  • tiles-per-line - the number of tiles per line (default is 3)

Vertical List

The VerticalListWidget is a Grid-Widget that displays all its entries in a vertical list. The Widget is generic; you have to specify the type of widgets you want to add as the argument. Children can be added via addChild(GenericType). It can be created with the default constructor (no arguments needed).
The Widget has the following LSS properties:

  • list-alignment - the alignment the children should have inside the list - either top, center or bottom (default is top)
  • list-order - the order of the children - either normal or reverse (default is normal)
  • overwrite-width - if the width of children should be set to the with of the list (default is true)
  • render-out-of-bounds - if the children should be rendered out of bounds, it makes sense if the Widget is inside a ScrollWidget (default is false)
  • selectable - if the children should be selected on click (default is false)
  • space-between-entries - the space between each entry (default is 1)
  • squeeze-height - if children that would have been rendered out of bounds should be squeezed to stay in the bounds (default is false - use with caution!)

Utility Widgets

Utility Widgets are Widgets that can be useful for any Activity.


The ComponentWidget is a Utility-Widget that displays any Component. Can be created with ComponentWidget.text, Componentwidget.i18n and ComponentWidget.component. Each factory method has multiple implementations.
The Widget has the following LSS properties:

  • allow-colors - if the color of the component should be used (default is true)
  • font-size - how much the component should be scaled (default is 1.0)
  • line-spacing - the spacing between multiple lines if overflow-strategy is wrap (default is 0.0)
  • max-lines - the number of maximum lines that should be displayed if overflow-strategy is wrap (default is 0, set to 0 to disable)
  • overflow-strategy - the strategy that is applied when text is longer than the bounds allow - either wrap or clip (default is wrap)
  • scale-to-fit - if the component should be scaled to fit the bounds if it would overflow (default is false)
  • shadow - if the component should have a shadow (default is true)
  • text-color - the color of the component (default is -1, set to -1 to disable)


The DivWidget is a Utility-Widget that does nothing special, as it is just an implementation of SimpleWidget and can be used for creating simple containers without automatic alignment. It can be created with the default constructor (no arguments needed).
The Widget has no own LSS properties.


The FadingWidget is a Utility-Widget that slowly fades out at a specific timestamp. It can be created with either FadingWidget.until(Widget, Long) to specify a timestamp or FadingWidget.forMillis(Widget, Long) to specify the milliseconds until the Widget fades.
The Widget has no own LSS properties.


The HrWidget is a Utility-Widget that acts as a separator between Widgets. It renders a line with the size of the Widget's inner bounds (only in the Fancy Theme!) It can be created with the default constructor (no arguments needed).
The Widget has no own LSS properties.


The IconWidget is a Utility-Widget that renders an Icon. It can be created via its constructor.
The Widget has the following LSS properties:

  • icon - the rendered Icon (the argument sets the default value in the constructor)
  • color - the color of the Icon (default is -1)
  • object-fit - the fit of the Icon inside the Widget's bounds - either fill, contain, cover, scale-down or none (default is fill)
  • clickable - if the Icon should be slightly zoomed when hovered (default is false)

Screen Renderer

The ScreenRendererWidget is a Utility-Widget that renders any Activity inside the bounds of the Widget. It can be created with its constructor. Calling the default constructor doesn't forward the style.
The Widget has the following LSS properties:

  • interactable - if the user should be able to interact with the rendered screen (default is true)


The ScrollWidget is a Utility-Widget that allows scrolling Widgets vertically (preferably VerticalListWidget or TilesGridWidgets). It automatically adds a ScrollbarWidget as its second child. The child has to have their height set to fit-content, and the ScrollWidget's height has to be fixed for everything to work. Can be created with either new ScrollWidget(VerticalListWidget) or new ScrollWidget(Widget, ListSession<>).
The Widget has the following LSS properties:

  • enable-scroll-content - if content should be scrolled when dragging the mouse (default is false)
  • scrollSpeed - how fast the content should be scrolled (default is -1, set to -1 to calculate the scroll speed automatically based on the number of children)
  • child-align - where the content should be aligned - either top, center or bottom (default is top)

Abstract Widgets

Abstract Widgets are not for direct use and are therefore intended exclusively for inheritance and extension.

Abstract Widget

The AbstractWidget is the main implementation of almost every Widget. The generic type declares the type of its children.
The Widget and, therefore all inheriting Widgets have the following LSS properties (if no default value is specified, the default value is null, and the property has to be set to take effect)
As there are so many, they are split into different sections:

Positioning (Bounds)

Every property (except the padding and margin allrounder) in this section can also have a percentage. The width: 5% will result in the width being 5% of the parent's width.

  • left - the relative left position to the parent
  • top - the relative top position to the parent
  • right - the relative right position to the parent
  • bottom - the relative bottom position to the parent
  • width - the width (can be a number but also fit-content or height)
  • height - the height (can be a number but also fit-content or width)
  • max-width - the maximum width (useful when the widget has no fixed width)
  • max-height - the maximum height (useful when the Widget has no fixed height)
  • min-width - the minimum width (useful when the Widget has no fixed width)
  • min-height - the minimum height (useful when the Widget has no fixed height)
  • padding - the padding (has to be this format: TOP RIGHT BOTTOM LEFT or just one number to set the same padding in all directions)
  • padding-top - the padding at the top (default is 0.0)
  • padding-right - the padding at the right (default is 0.0)
  • padding-bottom - the padding at the bottom (default is 0.0)
  • padding-left - the padding at the left (default is 0.0)
  • margin - the margin (has to be this format: TOP RIGHT BOTTOM LEFT or just one number to set the same margin in all directions)
  • margin-top - the margin at the top (default is 0.0)
  • margin-right - the margin at the right (default is 0.0)
  • margin-bottom - the margin at the bottom (default is 0.0)
  • margin-left - the margin at the left (default is 0.0)
  • alignment-x - the horizontal anchor point of the widget - either left, center or right (default is left)
  • alignment-y - the vertical anchor point of the widget - either top, center or bottom (default is top)
  • use-floating-point-position - if the position should use Float instead of Integer (default is false in Vanilla- and true in Fancy-Theme)
  • fit-outer - if fit-content should be applied to the outer instead of the inner bounds of the children (default is false)
  • box-sizing - how the width and height should be calculated - either content-box or border-box (default is content-box)
  • animation-duration - the duration of the animation - in milliseconds (default is 0)
  • animation-timing-function - how animations should be interpolated - either linear, ease-in-out, ease-in or ease-out (default is ease-in-out)
  • background-color - the color of the background (default is 0, set to 0 to disable)
  • background-dirt-brightness - the brightness of the dirt background (default is 32)
  • filter - filters that should be applied - possible are blur(RADIUS) and stencil-background
  • font-weight - the weight of the font
  • opacity - the opacity - has to be between 0.0 and 1.0 (default is 1.0)
  • render-children - if the children should be rendered (default is true)
  • renderer - which ThemeRenderer the Widget uses
  • scale - the scale in which the Widget is rendered (default is 1.0)
  • visible - if the widget is visible or not (default is true)
  • always-focused - if the Widget should always have the attribute FOCUSED (default is false)
  • background-always-dirt - if the background should always stay dirt, even if ingame (default is false)
  • background-dirt-shift - the shift of the dirt background
  • draggable - if the Widget can be dragged (default is false)
  • interactable - if the widget can be interacted with (default is true)
  • mouse-render-distance - in which distance to your mouse the Widget will get visible (default is 0.0, set to 0.0 to disable)
  • pressable - if clicking the widget fires the Pressable callback (default is true)
  • priority-layer - depending on what is set the Widget will be rendered before everything else or after - either very-back, back, normal, front, very-front (default is normal)
  • stencil - if the widget content should not be able out of bounds (default is false)

List Widget

The ListWidget is the parent of every list like Widget.
The Widget has no own LSS properties.

Simple Widget

The SimpleWidget inherits AbstractWidget and removes the generic.
The Widget has no own LSS properties.

Wrapped Widget

The WrappedWidget is a "pseudo Widget" that wraps around its child and acts like it.
The Widget has no LSS properties as it redirects everything to its child. deprecated!