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Creating a Configuration

From using our predefined setting widgets over creating your own, to a few things that didn't fit in with the rest. This page will show you everything there is to know about our configuration system.

Create a Basic Configuration

You can create your configuration by creating a new class and inheriting AddonConfig. This superclass requires you to implement the enabled method, as we want to allow servers to disable every addon they want.

The only thing you always need to keep in mind while creating a configuration besides the type you need to inherit is that you need to use the ConfigProperty type for your settings, but just for specific types that you might want to use. More on which types you can use by default here. For any other types, use the type itself without declaring it as an argument on ConfigProperty.

To create a setting that represents if your addon is enabled or not, you need to create a new field with the type ConfigProperty. Now add the type of your setting, in this case, Boolean as boolean. Now instantiate this property by declaring a new ConfigProperty with the default value as the argument, well use true as the default value. The result would look like this ConfigProperty<Boolan> enabled = new ConfigProperty<>(true). Now, if we want to use this property in an event, we'll get the property (preferably by its getter) and call get(). This will get us the value of the property.

You can only use various types for your ConfigProperty by default.
The current valid types are:

  • String
  • Character
  • Boolean
  • Integer
  • Long
  • Double
  • Float
  • Short
  • Byte
  • any Enum
  • Key
  • MouseButton
  • ResourceLocation
  • Color (net.labymod.api.util)

Using Predefined Setting Widgets

The following content lists all of our Setting Widgets that will be served by using the Addon API, with possible arguments (brackets surround optional arguments), compatible types, and a short description that you can create via an annotation:

Switch Widget

Annotation: SwitchSetting
Arguments: none
Compatible Type: Boolean

Slider Widget

Annotation: SliderSetting
Arguments: min - smallest value possible, max - biggest value possible, (steps - the amount of how much the value will increase/decrease on each move - default is 1)
Compatible Types: Integer, Float, Double, Short, Byte, Long

Text Field Widget

Annotation: TextFieldSetting
Arguments: (maxLength - the maximal length of the string entered)
Compatible Type: String

Key Bind Widget

Annotation: KeyBindSetting
Arguments: none
Compatible Type: Key

Multi Key Bind Widget

Annotation: MultiKeyBindSetting
Arguments: none
Compatible Type: Key[]

Color Picker Widget

Annotation: ColorPickerSetting
Arguments: (alpha - whether the user should be able to change the transparency - default is false)
Compatible Type: Integer

Annotation: DropdownSetting
Arguments: none
Compatible Types: any enum

Button Widget

Annotation: ButtonSetting
Arguments: none
Compatible Types: any public method annotated with @MethodOrder and with a Setting object as the only parameter. It's not supposed to return ConfigProperty

Activity Widget

Annotation: ActivitySetting
Arguments: none
Compatible Types: any public method that returns an Activity, not ConfigProperty

Further Customize the Settings

In addition to using predefined widgets for your settings, you also have a few other options to customize them.
The following points are not very precisely explained, but you can see everything from the following subsections and most of the subsections before in this section.

Create Sections

You can create sections in your settings; you just have to add the annotation @SettingSection above the first field that you want to have in said section. Now all you have to do is set the identifier as the annotation's parameter and add it to your internationalization file.

Create Sub Settings

If you want more structure in your settings but don't want to use Sections, you can create sub-settings that can be accessed via a button. Just create a new class, and let it inherit from Config. Add a field with the same type in your configuration (just the type, not a ConfigProperty) and create a new instance of said class. You might have noticed that you don't have to use the AddonConfig superclass for sub-settings. The AddonConfig class is required for your main configuration but not for sub-settings.

If you want to display more than just the advanced button (the button that lets you access the sub-settings), add the @ShowSettingInParent annotation to the most important switch in your sub-settings.

Use Icons for Settings

To display icons in front of your settings, you'll need to declare a sprite texture with the @SpriteTexture annotation. Set the name of your file as the value of the annotation (the base path is assets/NAMESPACE/themes/THEME/textures/sprite, while the namespace is the namespace you set in your build.gradle.kts and the theme to the current theme. If you want your icons to be visible in all themes, put the texture in the vanilla theme). More on sprite textures here.

Example of the Previous Sections

These are some example files showing a few of the functions mentioned before.

public class ExampleConfiguration extends AddonConfig {

  @SpriteSlot(x = 1, y = 1)
  private ConfigProperty<Boolean> enabled = new ConfigProperty<>(true);

  @SpriteSlot(x = 6)
  private ConfigProperty<String> text = new ConfigProperty<>("Hello World!");

  @SpriteSlot(x = 1, y = 3)
  private ExampleSubSettings subSettings = new ExampleSubSettings();

  @SpriteSlot(y = 3)
  private ConfigProperty<ExampleEnum> type = new ConfigProperty<>(ExampleEnum.SCALENE_TRIANGLE);

  @MethodOrder(after = "text")
  @SpriteSlot(x = 2, y = 6)
  public void print(Setting setting) {
    Notification.Builder builder = Notification.builder()
        .text(Component.text(setting.getId() + " was clicked! " + this.text))

  public ConfigProperty<Boolean> enabled() {
    return this.enabled;
public class ExampleSubSettings extends Config {

  @SpriteSlot(x = 7)
  private ConfigProperty<Boolean> enabled = new ConfigProperty<>(true);

  @SpriteSlot(x = 1, y = 6)
  private ConfigProperty<Integer> labyModColor = new ConfigProperty<>(
      new Color(10, 85, 165).getRGB());

  @SpriteSlot(x = 2)
  private ConfigProperty<Key> keyBind = new ConfigProperty<>(Key.F);
public enum ExampleEnum {
  "example": {
    "settings": {
      "name": "ExampleAddon",
      "enabled": {
        "name": "Enabled"
      "text": {
        "name": "Text to be Printed"
      "print": {
        "name": "Click Me to Print the Text",
        "text": "Print!"
      "subSettings": {
        "name": "Miscellaneous Sub Settings",
        "labyModColor": {
          "name": "The LabyMod Color"
        "keyBind": {
          "name": "Key Bind"
      "type": {
        "name": "Display Type",
        "entries": {
          "heart": "Heart",
          "circle": "Circle",
          "rectangle": "Rectangle",
          "triangle": "Triangle",
          "scaleneTriangle": "Weird Shape"
      "header": {
        "print": {
          "name": "Print!"
        "miscellaneous": {
          "name": "Miscellaneous"


Config Versioning

If you want to push an update for your addon which breaks existing configs it would be a great idea to write a little config migrator class which converts the old json file to your new config format. The first step would be increasing the current version of your addon config by one. You do so by overriding the AddonConfig#getConfigVersion method in your config implementation.

public int getConfigVersion() {
  return 2;
The next step is creating a class which actually migrates the old config values to the new one.

public class ConfigVersionListener {

  public void onConfigVersionUpdate(ConfigurationVersionUpdateEvent event) {
    // Get the config class so you can differantiate which config is being updated
    Class<? extends Config> configClass = event.getConfigClass();
    // This is the version which the old config is in
    int usedVersion = event.getUsedVersion();

    // Check if it's really your config
    if (configClass == YourConfigClass.class) {
      if (usedVersion == 1) {
        // The current config json object
        JsonObject config = event.getJsonObject();

        // Keep the value of a renamed ConfigProperty
        if(config.has("oldConfigOptionName")) {
          // You'd have to adapt the #getAsString to your property type of course
          config.set("newConfigOptionName", config.get("oldConfigOptionName").getAsString());

        // Add default values to a newly created array
        JsonArray myNewArrayProperty = new JsonArray();
        // JsonArray#add(String) can't be used unfortunately because the method does not exist in the gson version used in labymod 1.8
        myNewArrayProperty.add(new JsonPrimitive("array value number 1"));
        myNewArrayProperty.add(new JsonPrimitive("array value number 2"));
        myNewArrayProperty.add(new JsonPrimitive("array value number 3"));

        config.add("myNewArrayProperty", myNewArrayProperty);

          You don't really have to remove old json values of removed ConfigProperties
          as they're removed when the config is being loaded anyway

        // Finally set the modified config object
      } else if (usedVersion == 2) {
        // If the addon's config is already on version 2 and you need to migrate it to version 3 for example

Create Custom Settings

Register Your Own Setting Type

todo: write, check chattime

Create Custom Setting Widgets

todo: write, check chattime