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Create Hud Widgets

A Hud Widget is a block of content, which can be enabled within our "Widget Editor". Users can customize and move Widgets by drag&drop. Our Hud Widget System allows you to create own Widgets for your addon.

Create own Hud Widget Category

You're able to create own Widget categories so you can create an own category for the Widgets your addon provides. Just create a HudWidgetCategory and register it in your Addon enable method.

public class ExampleAddon extends LabyAddon<ExampleConfiguration> {

  private HudWidgetCategory widgetCategory;

  protected void enable() {
    labyAPI().hudWidgetRegistry().categoryRegistry().register(this.widgetCategory = new HudWidgetCategory("example_category"));


Registering HudWidgets

You can register a created Hud Widget in your Addon enable method.

public class ExampleAddon extends LabyAddon<ExampleConfiguration> {

  protected void enable() {
    labyAPI().hudWidgetRegistry().register(new ExampleHudWidget(this));


Different HudWidget Types

LabyMod provides different Widget types that help you to easily create HudWidgets.

  • TextHudWidget - a simple text widget that supports multiple lines
  • ItemHudWidget - an item widget with that you can display an image with a text next to it
  • SimpleHudWidget - a widget that render custom icons/text etc. - an example can be found in the Teamspeak LabyMod Addon

Example TextHudWidget

public class ExampleHudWidget extends TextHudWidget<TextHudWidgetConfig> {

  private TextLine textLine;

  public ExampleHudWidget(ExampleAddon addon) {
    // Bind the Widget to our created category in our main class

    // Optional - set an icon for the Widget Editor in the Constructor; you can also annotate the icon via a SpriteSlot at the top of the class
    this.setIcon(ResourceLocation.create("minecraft", "textures/item/name_tag.png"));

  public void load(TextHudWidgetConfig config) {
    this.textLine = createLine("Own Username", "");

  public void onTick(boolean isEditorContext) {

    String value = null;
    if(Laby.labyAPI().serverController().isConnected()) {
      value = Laby.labyAPI().getName();

    // Update the text line an flush it

    // Set the state of the text line
    // DISABLED - text line is fully disabled also not available in the Widget Editor
    // HIDDEN - text line is hidden ingame, but is displayed in the Widget Editor
    // VISIBLE - text line is visible ingame
    this.textLine.setState(value != null ? State.VISIBLE : State.HIDDEN);


Hud Widget Configurations

You can also create Configurations for your Hud Widgets, in our example we are using a configuration for the TextHudWidget. You can easily create configurations by creating a class that inherit the TextHudWidgetConfig class. You can use the same Setting Elements that you are using to create the configuration of your addon, take a look here.

public class ExampleHudWidget extends TextHudWidget<ExampleHudWidgetConfig> {

  private TextLine textLine;

  public ExampleHudWidget(ExampleAddon addon) {
    super("example_id", ExampleHudWidgetConfig.class);

  public void load(ExampleHudWidgetConfig config) {
    this.textLine = createLine("Own UUID", "");

  public void onTick(boolean isEditorContext) {

    String value = null;
    if(Laby.labyAPI().serverController().isConnected()) {
      value = Laby.labyAPI().getUniqueId().toString();
      // Access our created Setting
      if(!this.getConfig().showDashes().get()) {
        value = value.replace("-", "");

    this.textLine.setState(value != null ? State.VISIBLE : State.HIDDEN);

  public static class ExampleHudWidgetConfig extends TextHudWidgetConfig {

    private final ConfigProperty<Boolean> showDashes = new ConfigProperty<>(true);

    public ConfigProperty<Boolean> showDashes() {
      return showDashes;

