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Open Channels

The VoiceChatOpenChannelsPacket is a client-bound packet provided by the VoiceChat integration, that allows servers to open the voice channels popup.

Sending the Packet

The packet can either be sent via the VoiceChatPlayer or the AddonProtocol of the VoiceChatIntegration

Via VoiceChatPlayer

// Get the LabyModPlayer
LabyModPlayer labyModPlayer = LabyModProtocolService.get().getPlayer(uniqueId);

// Get the VoiceChatPlayer
VoiceChatPlayer voiceChatPlayer = labyModPlayer.getIntegrationPlayer(VoiceChatPlayer.class);

// Open the VoiceChat Channels Widget

Via the AddonProtocol

// Get the VoiceChatIntegration
// #getOrRegisterIntegration is a fail-safe method to get the integration, even 
// if the integration has not been registered.  Alternatively, you can use 
// #getIntegration, which will return null if the integration has not been registered.
VoiceChatIntegration voiceChatIntegration = LabyModProtocolService.get().getOrRegisterIntegration(

// Get the AddonProtocol
AddonProtocol addonProtocol = voiceChatIntegration.voiceChatProtocol();

// Send the packet
addonProtocol.sendPacket(uniqueId, new VoiceChatOpenChannelsPacket());

Via the LabyMod Player

While not recommended, it is also possible to send the packet directly via the LabyModPlayer. This will basically skip the "protocol-getting" process, as it will search for the protocol automatically.

// Get the LabyModPlayer
LabyModPlayer labyModPlayer = LabyModProtocolService.get().getPlayer(uniqueId);

// Send the packet
labyModPlayer.sendPacket(new VoiceChatOpenChannelsPacket());