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Creating Integrations

Integrations are an integral part of the LabyMod 4 Server API. They provide a way to extend the server API with additional features and functionalities. Integrations can be used to interact with LabyMod addons seamlessly.

Official Integrations

We provide official integrations for addons developed by LabyMod utilizing the Server API. Their source code is available on GitHub.

Create an Integration

Integrations are created on the abstract layer of the Server API to support both server and client-side with the same artifact.

Create the Class

Create a class that implements the interface LabyModProtocolIntegration. The interface provides two methods, initialize(AbstractLabyModProtocolService) and createIntegrationPlayer(AbstractLabyModPlayer<?>). initialize is called when the integration is loaded and implementing this is required. createIntegrationPlayer is called when a LabyMod player connects to the server and implementing it is optional.

import net.labymod.serverapi.core.AbstractLabyModProtocolService;
import net.labymod.serverapi.core.integration.LabyModProtocolIntegration;

public class ExampleIntegration implements LabyModProtocolIntegration {

  private AbstractLabyModProtocolService protocolService;

  public void initialize(AbstractLabyModProtocolService protocolService) {
    // Check if the field is already set, if so throw an exception. This is a good practice to
    // prevent the integration from being initialized multiple times.
    if (this.protocolService != null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("VoiceChatIntegration is already initialized");

    // Store the protocol service for later use
    this.protocolService = protocolService;

Registering the Service

While not required if you are using the Integration by calling LabyModProtocolService#getOrRegisterIntegration ( because the integration would be registered if not already), it is recommended to register the Integration as a service to automate the registering this process.

Registering via AutoService

To register the integration via AutoService, you first need to add the dependency to your project.

dependencies {
dependencies {
    compileOnly "" 
    annotationProcessor "" 

After adding the dependency, you can annotate your integration class with @AutoService(LabyModProtocolIntegration.class).

Registering Manually

To register the integration manually, create the directory META-INF/services in your resources folder and create a file named net.labymod.serverapi.core.integration.LabyModProtocolIntegration with the fully qualified name (package + class name) of your integration class.

Creating a Protocol

To create a custom protocol, you can create a new instance of AddonProtocol in the initialize method of your integration.
Take a look at Create a Custom Protocol or the official VoiceChat integration on GitHub for an example.