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Interaction Menu

The InteractionMenuPacket is a client-bound packet that allows servers to add custom interaction menu entries.

Example Interaction Menu Entry

Creating an Interaction Menu Entry

The packet uses the InteractionMenuEntry model, which can be created with InteractionMenuEntry.create. The InteractionMenuEntry model uses the Server API's own Component model.


There are four different types of actions an interaction menu entry can perform:

  • InteractionMenuType.RUN_COMMAND - Executes the value as command.
  • InteractionMenuType.CLIPBOARD - Copies the value to the clipboard.
  • InteractionMenuType.SUGGEST_COMMAND - Opens the chat and suggests the value.
  • InteractionMenuType.OPEN_BROWSER - Opens the web browser with the value as URL.

Value Placeholders

The value can contain the following placeholders (addons may add custom placeholders):

  • {name} - Will be replaced with the player's name.
  • {uuid} - Will be replaced with the player's unique id.


InteractionMenuEntry exampleEntry = InteractionMenuEntry.create(
    ServerAPIComponent.text("Example Entry").color(ServerAPITextColor.YELLOW),

Sending the Packet

The packet can either be sent via the LabyModPlayer object of the player, or directly via the LabyModProtocol.

Via LabyModPlayer

// Create a List of entries (array is also possible)
List<InteractionMenuEntry> entries = new ArrayList<>();

// Add all entries that you want to display

// Get the LabyModPlayer
LabyModPlayer labyModPlayer = LabyModProtocolService.get().getPlayer(uniqueId);

// Send the entries

Via the LabyModProtocol

// Create a List of entries (array is also possible)
List<InteractionMenuEntry> entries = new ArrayList<>();

// Add all entries that you want to display

// Get the LabyModProtocol
LabyModProtocol labyModProtocol = LabyModProtocolService.get().labyModProtocol();

// Send the packet
labyModProtocol.sendPacket(uniqueId, new InteractionMenuPacket(entries));